Project information

  • Owner Of The Work:OASİS MEDİKAL A.Ş.
  • Name Of The Work:Turnkey Electromechanical and Automation
  • Project Date:2012
  • Project Location: Ankara/Turkey

Electromechanical Project Leadership

The concepts needed in the Medical Buildings and fields such as preconditioning, sterilization, maintenance of electrical, mechanical or automation systems are provided. Providing power and distribution of such a complex and large institue, heating and cooling, air conditioning, CCTV, sprinkler and FM200 fire extinguishing systems’ installations has been completed. Also, double phase sterilization line and 820 m2 clean-room has been set-up. Smart technologies and applications has been utilized to meet national and international health standards that are energy efficiency centered and safety and security standards regarding environment and human well being.